
Køb Hoist Power Racks & Cages hos Fitshop - Europas nr. 1 inden for hjemmefitness

Multistationerne fra Hoist Fitness udvikles til intensiv brug og krævende sportsudøvere. Squat Racks fra Hoist er med deres massive stålkonstruktion og deres robusthed meget populære i home-gyms overalt i verden. læs mere
Fitshop tester alle motionsredskaber grundigt. Derefter vurderer vores team, som består af idrætsuddannede medarbejdere, aktive sportsmænd og service-teknikere med mange års erfaringer, produkterne i de forskellige kategorier. Ved hjælp af Fitshops vurderinger kan du lettere sammenligne produkterne med hinanden og finde frem til dét træningsredskab, som passer til din træning. .
Multistationerne fra Hoist Fitness udvikles til intensiv brug og krævende sportsudøvere. Squat Racks fra Hoist er med deres massive stålkonstruktion og deres robusthed meget populære i home-gyms overalt i verden.

Hoist Power Rack - optimal handling and top quality

Hoist strength equipment are developed for hard use and ambitious athletes. High-quality materials and lavish workmanship ensure safety, durability, and a high movement quality.

Hoist Power Racks are excellent for versatile barbell training and are ideal for professional use at gyms as well as in private fitness rooms. A Power Rack of the brand Hoist convinces by unbreakable quality and excellent handling.

Purchase a Power Rack - things you have to mind ?

A Power Rack has to be stable to guarantee a safe training. The frame construction should be made of heavy steel, so that the Power Rack stands stable even for heavy training weights and offers you enough reserves for increase.

Many support possibilities make the Power Rack functional and provide a great variety of exercises. Ideally, a Power Rack should have a height adjustable safety support, so that training sessions with heavy weights can be safely done without training partner.

Some Hoist Power Racks are equiped with a chin-up bar for doing a body-weight training in addition to barbell exercises.

A real space wonder: Hoist Power Rack

Training possibilities on a Power Rack are almost unlimited. In combination with a weight bench, additional exercises in lying positions can be done, i.e. bench press. Hoist Power Racks offer supports for weight plates so you can easily and safely store weight plates not required.

A Hoist Power Rack saves space and is the ideal solution for free weights in private and commercially used fitness rooms.
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Europas Nr. 1 inden for træningsudstyr til hjemmebrug
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